A NORTH-EAST couple have sent six pallets worth of supplies to victims of Hurricane Ivan on the Caribbean island of Grenada.

Mike and Jackie Cowan, from Darlington, fell in love with the Spice Isle after they visited on holiday and have built a bungalow there.

They wanted to help islanders after it was hit by the hurricane on September 7, which uprooted 90 per cent of the spice trees and wrecked much of the infrastructure.

Collections have been held at Darlington's Whinfield and St Andrew's churches following an appeal by the couple.

Mr Cowan, of Jesmond Road, who hopes to move to the island permanently one day, said: "We are over the moon with the response and the people in Grenada will be as well.

"They are a very proud nation and like to look after themselves, but they have opened up and are grateful."

Forty people died and 60,000 were left homeless after the island was battered by 120mph winds. Ninety-five per cent of houses lost their roofs or were demolished.

The Cowan's home was one of the few that escaped damage, so they wanted to do all they could to help.

Other appeals around the country mean three large containers are now being taken to the island.

Mr Cowan said: "We have been doing what we can. It is a small part, but lots of people are doing their bit and it all helps. It is times like this when people really show how kind they can be."

To help, go to www. grenadadisasterrelief.net