One of the questions I have been asked most often during this campaign is this: Why are businesses so overwhelmingly opposed to a regional assembly?

After all, polls have shown that 74 per cent of North East Chamber of Commerce members are opposed and that more than 80 per cent of North-East Institute of Directors members are also opposed.

So, what is the answer? Well, try looking at the issue through the eyes of business people. The fact is that for businesses, a regional assembly is all cost and no benefit. For a start, it could not improve infrastructure in the region - for example it could not upgrade the A1. It would also not be able to create jobs, because a regional assembly would not be able to adopt an economic plan for the region if central government disagreed with it - or even if it put the North-East at an economic advantage to neighbouring regions.

However, what an assembly would do is bring more of the sort of people that we all want to see less of: politicians and bureaucrats. The last thing those of us in business want is more unwanted advice and more paperwork.

A Regional Assembly would be bad for the North-East. Businesses, not politicians, create jobs in this region.

People should ignore the politicians and vote no.

* John Elliott is chairman of Ebac Limited and of North East Says No.