A ROW is brewing over a decision to axe a library's cafe.

Bookworms have signed a petition protesting at cost saving plans to stop serving refreshments at Redcar Library.

MP Vera Baird said Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council was behaving like Scrooge over the move.

But, library chief Councillor Steve Kay says the Redcar MP is simply whipping up a storm in a tea cup.

Mrs Baird said yesterday: "I support the many constituents who have complained that the council are acting like Scrooge in shutting the library cafe, which is mainly used by pensioners when using Redcar Library.

"This cafe encourages more people to use the library - as the many protests signed into the petition book on the counter testify."

She added: "Closing it will be extremely short-sighted. This is an essential public service that is much needed.

"Many of the users of this caf are disabled people who value the facility because it is easily accessible by wheelchair users."

However, Councillor Steve Kay, cabinet member responsible for libraries, said: "If the ruling group did not act like Scrooges, council tax would be sky high. I wonder what Vera Baird would say then?

"Furthermore, the Government, which Mrs Baird supports, would not be very pleased and could well end up capping the council.

"We have to look at all the services we provide and make sure they are cost effective.

"As far as the Redcar Library cafe is concerned, there are numerous private outlets in the immediate vicinity where the public can get beverages and something to eat. Vera is stirring up a storm in a tea cup.