SCHOOL children have given up some of their toys to help make Christmas better for other children in third world countries.

Pupils at Eldon Lane Primary School, near Bishop Auckland, have filled 63 shoe boxes full of gifts. Their efforts started when ten-year-old Kieran Bolton asked his fellow pupils to join in Operation Christmas Child, a project which was launched by Samaritan's Purse in 1990.

Kieran's mum Donna Urwin, who is chairman of the school governors, said: "We were doing this where I work and I brought a shoe box home for Kieran to fill and he asked if we could do it at the school."

Mrs Urwin said that the school has been thrilled with the response from parents. She said: "We only have 70 children and we have filled 63 boxes. The children have been so enthusiastic and have put a lot of effort in."