CYCLISTS in Darlington town centre are facing a police crackdown because bikes are being increasingly used in crime.

Operation Harbour has been launched because cycles are being used to make a quick getaway after muggings, and thefts from shops and cars.

Chief Insp Graham Hall said officers were aware that many bikes being used in the town centre were stolen during shed and garage burglaries. He said riders risk having them seized if they cannot prove ownership.

Chief Insp Hall said: "We want to minimise the risk to pedestrians and we are aware that pedal cycles are being used in crime.

"They provide easy access and exit from built-up areas in the town centre."

Darlington police have issued 31 fixed penalty notices to cyclists riding illegally on pavements this year. It is an offence and those caught face a £60 fine.

As well as punishing those caught breaking the law, officers will be visiting schools to promote road safety among young people.

"Wherever you have pedestrians and people using pedal cycles there is a likelihood that someone is going to get hurt," said Chief Insp Hall. "But if people are flouting the law we have got to take enforcement action."

Darlington Borough Council has decided cyclists are not going to be banned from the town centre under the 'pedestrian heart scheme.'

But Coun Bill Stenson, who represents Mowden ward, said cyclists in the town centre were a real danger for pedestrians. "A lot of people are having a great deal of difficulty getting out of their way.

"It is a minority of people but they have to be stopped. People don't want to have to dodge out of their way," he said.

A spokesman for the council said the key was to educate youngsters about the importance of responsible cycling.

He said: "Clearly we support the police in any clampdown on any form of anti-social behaviour and this is just another form.

"We would urge parents to tell their children to cycle considerately and safely.

"We do go into schools and have done for some time to encourage youngsters to cycle responsibly."