COUNCILLORS in Darlington have pledged to step up efforts to stop children truant-ing from school.

In January the borough council will introduce fixed penalty fines for parents of children who truant from school.

The £50 fines will be issued to parents of pupils who have missed at least ten half-days from school.

The measure is part of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003.

The number of "truancy sweeps" in the town is also to be increased.

At Tuesday's council cabinet meeting, Councillor Chris McEwan, who holds the children's services portfolio, said: "We're going to be pulling out all the stops, but we need the community, parents and children to work with us on this issue."

Truancy officers will issue the fines, although no more than two notices per child can be issued in an academic year.

There will be formal warnings before a notice is given, except when parents have deliberately taken their child out of school for a holiday, knowing they do not have permission.

The fine will be £50 if paid in 28 days and £100 within 42 days. The money will be used by the council to cover enforcement costs.