A MAN who claimed that he had a £500 block of cannabis resin to calm his nerves was jailed for 12 months yesterday.

A jury decided that Robert Merry, 34, intended to sell the drug despite his story that it helped him to combat panic attacks.

Sam Andrews, prosecuting, said when police with a search warrant raided his home he threw the cannabis resin block out of a bedroom window.

Teesside Crown Court was told it was for Merry's own use because he had problems with anxiety, depression and panic attacks. Since his arrest 18 months ago his condition had worsened, said Tim Bubb, defending.

Merry had been treated for some time by a doctor who said that a custodial sentence would worsen his state.

Mr Bubb said: "Up until this matter progress had been made, he was beginning to put the panic attacks behind him and he was beginning to cope.

"Since this matter was brought to light, the panic attacks have built up so that they are on a two-weekly basis, and it is known by the doctor treating him that a custodial sentence would exacerbate that."

Merry, of Churchill Drive, Marske-by-the-Sea, was jailed for 12 months and ordered to pay £2,000 costs after he was found guilty of possession of a Class B drug with intent to supply it, on May 13 last year.