HISTORY enthusiasts have accused museum bosses of ruining the home of North-East rail pioneer Timothy Hackworth.

Hackworth and his work on the railways has been the inspiration for the creation of Locomotion: National Railway Museum, in Shildon, County Durham.

His home is at the centre of the £11m project that has attracted thousands of visitors from all over the world to the small town, which is known as the "cradle of the railways".

But the Hackworth Society says many are leaving the attraction disappointed because the cottage has been redeveloped. They believe the changes have robbed the building of its historic features.

The society is made up of volunteers and enthusiasts who have worked closely with the Timothy Hackworth Museum and helped renovate Hackworth's house in the 1970s.

Society secretary Elaine Bachelor said the society and members of Hackworth's family were now appealing for the museum to put some character back into the cottage.

She said: "You used to be able to step back in time when you walked into the house and feel what it would be like when Hackworth lived there. Now it is bare and has no character at all.

"We are not knocking the museum. We think it is good for Shildon. People have worked very hard to bring it here and they have done a good job.

"But something has to be done about Hackworth's home and more attention needs to be paid to his history.''

Museum manager George Muirhead said he was disappointed with the society's reaction.

He said: "We were very careful before we decided to change the old museum and we did do some market research.

"People wanted a more modern museum and what we have tried to do in the house is tell more about the history of the people of Shildon and the people who lived here.

"It doesn't mean that we have forgotten Hackworth.''

Published: 18/11/2004