WORKERS at BPI's Stockton site are expected to start an overtime ban next week as part of industrial action following a pay dispute.

Union officials said a strike decision had been delayed until the start of next week, when a meeting will be held with workers.

Last week, nearly 180 staff at the Teesside plastics factory, also known as Visqueen, voted overwhelmingly in favour of industrial action.

As part of the industrial action, an overtime ban will begin next Friday at the Yarm Road plant.

Joe Keith, of the Transport and General Workers Union, which represents the majority of workers, said: "I met with the shop steward at the site yesterday and the decision was taken to begin an overtime ban. The company has been informed of the situation."

The move follows a long-running dispute over pay, with BPI bosses rejecting a three per cent pay demand and instead imposing a 2.5 per cent backdated rise.

A final round of peace talks between management and union officials broke down three weeks ago.