A SHOCKING and bloody tragedy features as the third play in the RSC's Golden Age season.

Based on an Old Testament tale, it is the story of King David's daughter, Tamar, who exacts revenge on her brother Amnon after he rapes her. It is a brutal and premeditated attack - and there is little on the stage to detract from its stark ugliness.

Afterwards the beautiful, confident princess is transformed and Katherine Kelly gives a powerful performance as the broken, tormented woman. But while she is physically and emotionally wrecked by the attack, she still has a steely determination to see her brother brought to justice. All of King David's sons are touched by the horror of the rape. Symbolically, they all are made to wear Tamar's shame when she smears each of their faces with the ashes in her hair, pleading them to revenge her dishonour.

Matt Ryan gives a highly charged performance as the sexually frustrated Amnon who, despite his appearance of madness, engenders little sympathy due to his lack or morals, self control or regret.

It is an excellent translation from the Spanish by James Fenton, and elements of the script, plus the antics and songs of the peasants, bring some much needed humour. But the ending is sudden and disturbing as the King falls to the floor and howls with anguish at the bloody outcome.

A powerful, gripping and highly emotional tale.

* Runs until Thursday. Box Office: 0870 905 5060.

Published: 19/11/2004