THE Archbishop of Canterbury will give a lecture in honour of one of his predecessors as figurehead of the Anglican Church, next week.

Dr Rowan Williams is the guest speaker at the Michael Ramsey Memorial Lecture, at Durham Cathedral, on Tuesday.

The lecture is being held to mark the centenary of the birth of Michael Ramsey, whose clerical career took him twice to Durham, as a residential canon and professor of divinity, and later as Bishop of Durham, from 1952 to 1956.

During his first stint in Durham, during the Second World War, he served as an air raid warden, helping to watch over the cathedral and city.

While in Durham he also met and married his wife, Joan, as well as building strong links with St Mary's College, which had premises next to his home, alongside the cathedral.

He left Durham to become Archbishop of York, and five years later, in 1961, he was appointed as Archbishop of Canterbury, a post he held for 13 years until retirement.

Dr Williams' lecture, called The Lutheran Catholic, is the culmination of a series of talks, focusing on Michael Ramsey.

The lecture begins at 7.30pm, but the cathedral will be open from 6.45pm and all are welcome.