RESIDENTS in Egglescliffe are claiming a victory for people power after plans to demolish the Rookery and Sunnymount and replace them with new houses and flats were refused.

Stockton Council's planning committee voted unanimously against the proposals by George Wimpey North-East at its meeting on Wednesday, despite officers recommending approval.

The scheme would have seen the houses in South View replaced by three terraced houses and 21 flats.

Residents had swung into action to block the plans. In conjunction with Egglescliffe Parish Council, people leafleted homes in the area and put up posters objecting to the proposals.

Attempts were made to have the buildings listed, but this was thwarted by English Heritage which said the buildings were of interest, but could not be listed because of their modern-style windows.

A spokesman for Stockton Council said the applications were refused on the basis that the development would be out of keeping with the area and was inappropriate for the conservation of that area.

Egglescliffe Parish Council chairman Sue Ireland told the D & S Times she was elated aboutthe committee's decision.

She said: "It's down to people power. The residents have got behind us, as did the CPRE, and we owe them a lot. It's been a real community effort, and I'm proud to be part of that community."

Coun Ireland added that, although she was delighted with the result, she realised Wimpey could appeal or come back with an amended plan.

She said: "We have won the battle, but it may not be over yet. It has not restored my faith in the planning officers and engineers, but it has restored my faith in the planning committee."