TROOPS have returned to the region after a six-month tour in Iraq.

More than 400 soldiers from the 8 Transport Regiment Royal Logistics Corps have arrived back in Catterick Garrison, North Yorkshire, after saying farewell to their families in May.

The troops came under attack on several occasions from gunfire, roadside bombs and rockets.

"You could be having a shower at nine o'clock at night when there's a mortar attack and you have to dive for cover," said Private Phillip Bowes, 23, of Stockton.

"You don't know who is who and you have to view everybody as a threat. The people are very frustrated - they want their country back."

The regiment was stationed at the Shaibah logistics base, west of Basrah and was responsible for moving supplies and equipment for coalition forces.

The soldiers said it was great to be back home.

"One minute we were there and it was baking hot and the next minute we were getting off a plane and the pilot was telling us it was four degrees outside," said Pte Bowes.

Lance Corporal Iain Cuthbertson, 25, of Willington, County Durham, said: "The first thing I did when I got in was open a beer and give my daughter a huge hug."