THE illumination of a 60ft tower, designed as a landmark gateway to County Durham, has failed to impress.

The £60,000 sculpture stands on the A689 on the Sedgefield to Wynyard dual carriageway and has the words "County Durham" down its length.

The sculpture was jointly funded by Balfour Beatty, the scheme's dual carriageway contractors, and Durham County Council. It was designed by artist Peter Fink to appear as if it is changing colour.

When the statue was first erected in June, the Mayor of Sedgefield, Coun Jim Wayman, branded it an eyesore and said the money could have been better spent installing a roundabout or traffic lights at the hazardous junction from the A689 into Sedgefield

He said: "I still think the tower is a waste of money. It would be ideal for Blackpool. The money should have been used to make the A689 junction at Sedgefield safer. Since the road was finished, we've had the air ambulance out three times owing to traffic accidents."

Coun Wayman said it was a pity that Teesside coroner Michael Sheffield had been forced to call for its closure.

"I don't think that the junction should be shut off. The traffic approaching from the west should be made to turn around at the roundabout. That is what they did at Bradbury where there was a similar situation.

"Durham County Council seems to be oblivious to what's happening down there.