A REJECTED mistress kicked her former lover's wife twice in the head during a street brawl, causing severe facial injuries, a court heard yesterday.

Tracy Ann Blackburn, 33, of Neasham Road, Darlington, got into a fight with Lesley Baker outside the Royal Oak, in Yarm Road, Darlington, two years after she had an affair with Mrs Baker's husband.

Darlington Magistrates' Court was shown pictures of Mrs Baker after the attack, which showed her face covered with cuts and bruises.

The court heard that on July 26 Mr Baker had telephoned his wife to say he was going to the pub with colleagues after work.

Mrs Baker decided to go into Darlington to meet him and when she arrived at the pub she discovered Blackburn was also in the Royal Oak, although she was not sitting with Mr Baker.

Mrs Baker asked her husband what he was doing in the same pub as his former mistress and then the couple went outside.

When they went back inside the pub, an argument started between Blackburn and Mrs Baker.

The pair were separated and the Bakers decided to leave.

Blackburn followed the couple outside, then a fight broke out - and Mrs Baker was thrown to the floor.

Peter Smith, prosecuting, said: "A passing off-duty police officer saw the defendant kick Mrs Baker twice in the face when she was on the ground and in no position to defend herself.

"The photographs, I think, adequately describe and show the extend of the injuries."

Ms Blackburn pleaded guilty to causing actual bodily harm.

Graham Hunsley, defending, said: "Ms Blackburn has always accepted that she inflicted those injuries. And she accepts things went beyond self-defence.

"The situation was always fairly volatile, the three parties are quite sensitive about it."

He said Blackburn was taking anti-depressants, was suffering after the death of her mother and Mrs Baker had provoked her by mentioning an abortion that Blackburn had been through.

Mr Hunsley said: "The mention of the termination pushed her over the edge and at that point she kicked her (Mrs Baker) when she was on the ground."

Chairman of the bench Alfred Walker gave Blackburn a 12-month community rehabilitation order and ordered her to pay £150 compensation to Mrs Baker and £120 costs.