LICENSEES Peter Lockwood and Cecilia Purse say they are not natural gardeners - but their talents have still won them an award.

The pair share the task of tending the hanging baskets and beer garden at the Turk's Head, the pub they run in Low Skellgate, Ripon.

And their teamwork has paid dividends, with the pub winning the title for best hanging baskets and window boxes in the Tadcaster Pub Company's annual floral competition.

Mr Lockwood said: "I would not say Cecilia or I were natural gardeners, but it is something we both enjoy and I think we make a pretty good team."

The prize was three bottles of champagne.

He said: "We have five hanging baskets and three window boxes at the pub - changing plants so they provide colour throughout the year.

"We get a lot of compliments from customers about the display, and it definitely plays a role in attracting people into the pub."

The Turk's Head beat competition from nearly 50 pubs in the Tadcaster Pub Company estate to take the title.

Other successes for the county were the Bridge House Hotel, in Catterick Bridge, Catterick, and White Rose Hotel, in Bedale Road, Leeming Bar.

The Bridge House Hotel, run by Mark McCulloch and Serena Frogett, took second place in the best beer garden category, while the White Rose, run by John and Lesley Barton, finished runner-up in the best roadside display category.