A Teesside student has completed a huge turnaround in his fortunes after starting his educational journey in a homeless hostel.

At 16, Stephen Holmes was struggling to study in an almost impossible environment, but nine years later he is about to graduate from the University of Teesside with a BA (Hons) degree in public relations.

And he has decided to stay at the university to study for a masters degree in marketing management.

At his graduation next week the 25-year-old, who now lives in Yarm, will also receive the Gravity Consulting Prize for most improved student on his degree course.

After secondary school in Newcastle, the homeless student enrolled on a GNVQ in leisure and tourism.

He left to work as a Butlin's redcoat and then fulfilled his travel ambitions, working for holiday companies in France and Portugal before returning to the North-East and enrolling on an Access to Business course at Middlesbrough College.

He said: "A careers advisor suggested the public relations degree at Teesside. At first I didn't settle, I was really opinionated, liked all the attention and I'm sure the lecturers really hated me. Then I got a shock with my low second year marks. These motivated me to improve.

"I'm really chuffed to be awarded the most improved student award, it was a huge surprise."

He will complete his masters degree next summer.

Maria Hopwood, programme leader for the degree, said: "I'm absolutely delighted that Stephen has won this award. He thoroughly deserves this recognition of his commitment and motivation to his studies.

"He is a fantastic example of what you can achieve when you are determined to maximise every opportunity that comes your way."