THE site of a controversial development is to be visited by members of the North York Moors National Park Authority's planning committee.

A scheme by the Burgess Group, of Victory Mill, Thornton-le-Dale, to build 11 homes at Castle Close, had been recommended for approval by officers of the North York Moors National Park Authority, but its planning committee decided to hold a site visit after receiving a large number of objections.

The parish council had recommended approval of the development subject to several conditions and investigations.

Twenty-six residents sent letters of objection, including the assistant bishop of York, the Right Reverend David Galliford, saying the development would expose 200 children to an increased road safety risk because of the additional traffic that would be generated by the scheme.

In addition, they described the access to the site as tortuous and said that a scheme several years ago to build four houses on the site was turned down.

Highway problems, loss of privacy and of a green open space were also highlighted by the objectors.

In addition, 41 parents and residents signed a petition against the scheme, which was planned for land on the south side of the A170 Scarborough to Pickering road, said chief planning officer Val Dilcock.