THE mother of a heroin addict has made an emotional plea for residents to help police to catch a town's drug dealers.

The call comes after two former addicts warned the drugs problem in Richmond would spiral out of control if action was not taken.

Sheila Goldsbrough said her daughter's efforts to kick the habit have been made much harder because of harassment by dealers.

"They keep hounding her - they are always ringing up and knocking on her door," said Mrs Goldsbrough, 46, of Temple Court, Richmond.

"These people are wrecking the lives of me and my family.

"People need to phone the police and let them know what is happening - this problem won't go away until the dealers are locked up."

Mrs Goldsbrough said she was in regular contact with police about drug activities in her area of the town.

She has also highlighted the problem of drug dealing in its properties to Richmondshire District Council.

North Yorkshire Police are backing Mrs Goldsbrough's call for residents to give them information.

A spokesman said: "This force takes a strong attitude towards drugs, particularly the sale of drugs, which although rare, does occur, even in the more rural parts of the county.

"A vital weapon in our armoury is information from the public."

Colin Dales, housing unit manager for the district council, said the authority was in regular contact with the police about drug activity in its properties.

He said: "We have been concentrating our efforts in driving drug dealing and drug use out of our housing stock."

"We take it very seriously and are committed to tackling the problem."

Mr Dales said he welcomed information from members of the public.

Former addicts Paula Mann and Jason Alderson told The Northern Echo recently they had to move to Darlington to get help with their addiction.

The couple said they noticed an increase in Richmond's drugs problem every time they returned.

* Residents can give information on drug activity to Richmondshire police by calling (01609) 789321. To report the use of council properties for dealing, call Phil Tweddle, at Richmondshire District Council, on (01748) 829100.