A COUPLE who were spat at by youths during a visit to market town have vowed never to return.

The incident came to light during a discussion of anti-social behaviour at a meeting of North Yorkshire County councillors, in Harrogate.

Chairman of the area committee Councillor Clifford Wilson Boroughbridge said a group of youths had been standing behind the couple in Masham and were using bad language and behaving aggressively.

Coun Wilson said the couple asked them to stop, but they were spat at and had sand thrown over them.

Coun Wilson said the couple were so shocked by the behaviour that they vowed never to visit Masham again.

Earlier, Masham and Fountains county councillor Paul Richardson said Masham Parish Council had received complaints about bad behaviour.

Coun Richardson said a pub landlord offered a £100 reward to anyone naming youngsters responsible for anti-social behaviour.

John Feeley took the action after vandalism and unacceptable behaviour by youngsters at The Bruce Arms, in Little Market Place, Masham.

A report to the Harrogate meeting by the District Safer Communities Partnership highlighted problems including under-age drinking, abuse and littering in the Bilton area of Harrogate.