A SHOPPING centre has been turned into an art gallery to bring the work of local artists to shoppers.

Visitors to Durham's Milburngate Centre can view paintings and work in other media by members of Durham Visual Arts Forum, which went on display yesterday for three days. Throughout the exhibition, on the theme of inner and outer spaces, the 14 artists will be on hand to talk about their work, which is for sale.

Earlier this year, the centre let forum members exhibit their work in an empty shop.

Centre director Andy Bradley said the feedback from people who had seen the exhibition had been phenomenal.

He said: "People were saying that it was a brilliant use of an empty shop. Artists don't often get the chance to have their work displayed in a public place like this, so it is a chance for them to reach a wider audience.

"I would imagine that we will get 50,000 to 60,000 people through the doors during the exhibition. Hopefully, people will come in especially to see it.

"We hope the setting of the exhibition within the centre opens up new ways to view art of such a high standard, and we are looking forward to developing this initiative with Durham Visual Arts Forum further next year."

Helen Brewster, of Durham City Arts, which secured European funding to help the development of the forum, said: "It is very exciting to see the work of artists being exhibited with the support of local businesses.

"I very much hope this will be the first of many similar initiatives in Durham by local artists."

The exhibition is open from 9am to 5pm today, and from 11am to 5pm tomorrow. Admission is free.

Published: 20/11/2004