IMPORTANT new features in a park's restoration were installed yesterday.

The two main gates at the Parkside entrance to South Park, in Darlington, with designs based on the Victorian originals, were put in place.

Their arrival was marked by Victorian-themed celebrations, including children from nearby Skerne Park Primary School dressing in period costume and a horse and carriage visiting the park.

Local historian George Flynn was also on hand to explain the history of the park to visitors.

The Lost Art company, which restored two of the gates, used craftskills from Victorian days, including pattern-making, stonemasonry and traditional brick-making methods.

Lee Vasey, the borough council's cabinet member for leisure, said: "Step by step, South Park is being restored to its former glory.

"The new gates really will make a great impact upon entering the park. It is wonderful to see original features installed over 100 years ago coming back to life."

The £3.9mrefurbishment of the park will also include the restoration of the bandstand and terracotta fountain, the creation of a sensory garden and an education centre.