RESIDENTS are being asked to help conserve the habitats, plants and animals in their area.

Scarborough Borough Council has published a draft Biodiversity Action Plan. It contains a list of actions needed to help species and habitats specific to Scarborough that are in thegreatest need of protection.

The plan was the work of a steering group of local naturalists, businesses, farmers, parish councils, North Yorkshire County Council, the borough council and other interested people.

It represents the first step in assessing which habitats and species need the most help and will be used by planners and engineers to inform and influence planning decisions.

Steve Wilson, forward planning officer with the borough council, said: "Scarborough borough has a very rich and varied biodiversity that contributes significantly to our local identity, culture and economy, which is why it is important that we do our utmost to conserve and enhance these assets for future generations.

"Farmers, local businesses, landowners and schools can take a number of measures to encourage wildlife and habitat creation on their land, and parish councils have an important role to play in managing parish-owned land, such as roadside verges and green spaces within villages."

To get involved, contact Mr Wilson on (01723) 232480.