TELEVISION crews transformed a primary school to make its young pupils stars for the day.

Children from King Street Primary School, in Spennymoor, melted the hearts of music store bosses when they were asked to re-design a CD or DVD cover from some of the top titles released for Christmas.

The youngsters chose to design their own version of The Snowman which they submitted for a competition organised by high street retailer Music Zone.

Headteacher Dorothy Smith said: "The Key Stage One children entered the competition and we didn't really expect to win anything.

"When we got the phone call to say we had won and would star in a Christmas advert we were over the moon. The children and the parents have been so excited. This is a once in a lifetime experience."

In the advert the children are singing We Wish You a Merry Christmas in front of a huge Christmas tree and individual pupils will tell the nation what they want for Christmas as part of a Music Zone campaign.

As well as appearing in one of the four adverts which will be shown on television throughout the country for two weeks from December 6, the youngsters have also won two DVD players and £500 of CDs and DVDs for the school.

As an extra treat all the children were given a DVD as a gift during filming yesterday.

Eren Ozagir, commercial director for Music Zone, said: "When we saw the entries from King Street Primary we just knew we wanted them to win. There was a huge pile of snowmen that each of them had done in their own way and it was obvious they had put such a lot of work into them.

"They were just so cute, everyone in the office wanted them to win."