NORTH-EAST anti-war campaigners will meet next week to highlight the cost of the Iraq conflict.

Tyneside Stop the War Coalition will hold a meeting in the Royal Station Hotel, Newcastle, at 7pm on Monday.

Rose and Maxine Gentle, the mother and sister of soldier Gordon Gentle, 19, who was killed in Iraq this year, will address the audience.

The Royal Highland Fusilier, from Glasgow, died in Basra in June when a roadside bomb exploded in the middle of a British military convoy.

The meeting will also look at e-mails from Dr Salam Ismael, general secretary of the Doctors for Iraq Society.

He has reported that two of his colleagues at the Falluja hospital have been killed by a missile.

Lottie Hann, of the Tyneside Stop the War Coalition, said: "Dr Salam Ismael's tragic news brings home the true human cost of what is being done by Coalition forces.