RESIDENTS are being invited to take advantage of a scheme offering them the chance to receive free draught-excluder kits.

Stockton Borough Council is giving away the kits to the first 50 visitors to the Environment Centre, in Stockton, from Monday.

The promotion, sponsored by British Gas, includes enough draught-proofing for two external doors and a letterbox, and is worth £13.50. It is part of the council's campaign to raise awareness of the need for adequate home insulation.

Councillor Steve Nelson, the council's cabinet member for the environment, said: "A high percentage of heat generated in the home is lost through poorly insulated lofts, walls, windows and doors, leading to cold houses, possible health problems and higher fuel bills.

"With wasted energy in the home also being a significant contributory factor to the problems of global warming, and with winter and cold winds seemingly already upon us, it is hoped this offer will raise people's awareness to the fact that even the simplest of insulation measures can have a significant impact, both on a personal level as well as the larger global picture."

The Environment Centre, at 21 West Row, can be contacted on (01642) 528143.