FANS of Aussie TV soap Neighbours turned out in force when one of its stars turned up at their local theatre.

Richard Grieve was in the long-running series from1994 to 1998, playing Kratz, and then had a stint in the other Antipodean export, Home and Away, in the role of Dr Lachlan Fraser.

When members of Durham University's Neighbours Society heard he was in town, playing Max in Dial M for Murder, they jumped at the chance of meeting him face-to-face.

They booked about 30 tickets for the show's opening night at the city's Gala Theatre on Monday and got to meet Richard, 34, backstage.

Society member Nick Hoile, 19, an English literature student, said: "The attraction of Neighbours is that it is silly. Everybody likes to laugh at it but they watch it all the same. Our society has about 300 members and it is only half serious. It is mainly a social thing."

Richard said he was delighted that people remembered him from his TV work even though most of his career had been spent in the theatre.

"I was very pleasantly surprised and slightly honoured that so many of them came to see the show.

"They had their Neighbours fan club cards and said they knew all the storylines I had been involved in."

Dial M for Murder runs until Saturday. Performances are at 7.30pm and with a 2pm matinee on Saturday.

Tickets cost £17 and £15 for evening performances and £12 for the matinee, with concessions available.

To book, contact the box office on 0191-332 4041.

Published: 26/11/2004