A BANNED teenage motorist with "an appalling record" for car crime led police on a high-speed chase through residential streets while over the drink drive limit.

Aaron Kevin Tully was yesterday sent to a young offenders' institution for 21 months after Durham Crown Court heard of his latest escapade at the wheel in Peterlee.

During the ten-minute pursuit, shortly before midnight on August 16, Tully drove at speed without lights, and at times swerving violently, narrowly missing other vehicles.

Robert Adams, prosecuting, said he ignored road markings and signs, and took corners at speed without indicating in built-up areas, to the apparent amusement of his two young passengers. The chase ended when he drove into a cul-de-sac, in Franklyn Road, and abandoned the car.

He was pursued on foot and caught by a police officer, who tackled him to the ground.

Mr Adams said breath samples showed 50 and 51mg of alcohol in 100ml of breath, compared to the legal limit of 35.

Jamie Adams, mitigating, said: "He's only 19, but he does have an appalling record for someone of his age."

But he said, having spent several months in custody since his arrest, Tully realises it's time to settle down.

Tully, of Bruce Place, Peterlee, admitted drink driving, driving while disqualified, dangerous driving and no insurance.