AN art gallery showcasing work by people with learning disabilities will be opened next week.

The charity Real Lives: Real Choices has transformed a former bookmakers in Front Street, Lanchester, into Heart House Studios.

The group works across County Durham to support the rights of people with learning disabilities.

It holds regular art classes for clients, and the Lanchester centre will feature a gallery, displaying and selling their work. The premises will also act as an information shop and a focus for recruiting and training volunteers.

Volunteers from Northumbrian Water helped staff to revamp the building.

Sue West, of the charity, said: "Producing this beautiful artwork is quite an achievement for a lot of people, in a lot of different ways."

Actors from the Gateshead-based Lawnmower Theatre, which specialises in inclusive drama productions, will cut the ribbon to open the building on Monday, at 12.30pm.

After the launch, the gallery will open from Thursday to Sunday every week.

The charity will open a second centre, in Langley Park, near Durham, the same day.

Anyone interested in volunteer work for the charity can contact Rhianne Jones on 0191-383 1944.

Published: 26/11/2004