THE launch of a far-right group's website at an address nearly identical to a site promoting tourism has appalled community leaders.

While surfers clicking on arrive at a site highlighting visitor attractions in Richmond, internet users visiting find the home page of the National Front's local branch.

The site promoting tourism is run by organisations including the Richmond Business and Tourism Association.

Stuart Parsons, spokes-man for the association, was horrified the National Front had acquired the web address.

"It's appalling that this has been allowed to happen and it's appalling that these people think they can make headway in this area," said Mr Parsons.

"I find the prospect of this group in Richmondshire very frightening, but until we find them doing something illegal, we can't do anything about it."

Mr Parsons said the new site signified an increase in National Front activities in the area.

Members have already visited Richmond on several occasions to hand out leaflets.

John Anderson, co-ordinator of the Richmondshire branch of the National Front, said that although the site contains only one page at present, it would be added to over the next fortnight.

"This will be an official National Front site," said the spokesman.

"When it is fully up and running, it will deal with local issues concerning the Dales and the local council.

"There will be nothing libellous and everything will be 100 per cent fact."

Liz Smith, information and communications unit manager at Richmondshire District Council, said the council would be monitoring the site.

"We do not have any powers to do anything with the website, but we will be keeping an eye on it," she said.