HEALTH bosses are to go ahead with controversial proposals to move a psychiatric intensive care unit but plan to sweeten the pill.

The NHS trust, which runs mental health services in County Durham and Darlington, wants to close the five-bed Tony White Unit at the County Hospital in Durham City.

The plan is to move the outdated unit to the new £20m West Park Hospital in Darlington, until a new unit can be built in north Durham in 2007, possibly at Earls House Hospital.

The trust said accommodation at the unit, which includes secure rooms, does not meet national standards.

But concerns have been voiced about the proposals.

Police in Durham have expressed fears about having to transfer patients with mental health problems to the south of the county.

Durham County Council's health scrutiny sub-committee has also heard that staff are concerned that the move would have a serious detrimental effect on care.

There are also concerns at the distances relatives and friends from the north of the county would have to travel to visit patients in Darlington.

Having listened to a wide range of public comments during consultation, the trust is to go ahead with the closure. But in an effort to placate opponents of the move, the trust is proposing to provide a free taxi service for carers and families.

The County Durham and Darlington Priority Services NHS Trust is also planning to increase the number of staff on the acute wards at the County Hospital, provide a safe room at the County and work with the police to develop guidelines for the transfer of patients.

The trust also wants to postpone the closure of the Tony White Unit by two months, putting the change-over back from January to March 2005.

The proposal was expected to be approved at a meeting of the Priority Services trust board this Thursday.