A RETIRED theatre director will see a dream come true when a musical he has wanted to stage for 30 years opens next week.

Les Jobson first heard the music for Walking Happy, which is based on the play Hobson's Choice, in 1970.

He was immediately smitten and tried to put on the production at the Forum Theatre in Billingham, where he was director at the time.

Despite lining up Norman Wisdom to play the lead, production problems meant it was not to be.

So 30 years later, when he was asked by Richmond Operatic Society to direct a show for the group to perform at the town's Georgian Theatre Royal, he saw his chance.

"A friend brought back a recording of the music from Broadway and I loved it so much," said Mr Jobson, 82, of Richmond.

"Ever since then I've always wanted to do the show - it's been a dream for a long time.

"When the operatic society asked me to direct a show for them, I agreed, as long as we did Walking Happy."

The show is a romantic comedy telling the story of bootmaker Will Mossop who runs away with his boss's daughter and then returns to set up a rival business.

The show runs from December 1 to 4 at the Georgian Theatre Royal. To book call (01748) 825252.

Published: 26/11/2004