A SIX-WEEK old puppy was thrown out with the rubbish after being found at the bottom of a wheelie bin.

Destined for the tip beneath a mound of waste, it was only by chance that the pup was discovered and rescued.

Yesterday, animal rights campaigners described the treatment of the dog as "completely appalling" and warned they would take action.

Nicknamed Dusty by kennel bosses, she was found whimpering at the bottom of a bin in a back lane in Sunderland.

Taken by a dog warden to West Hall Kennels, in Cleadon, South Tyneside, she was given a meal and cleaned up.

Sarah Wilkinson, who runs the kennels, said: "People have already started to come in saying they want to buy puppies as presents - some of them even ask if they can leave them here until Christmas.

"In the past few weeks, we have had four cases where dogs have been thrown out of moving cars - one was even kicked out at the kennel gates."

The kennel now hopes to find the little mongrel a caring home, where she will be looked after properly.

Heather Holmes, of the RSPCA, criticised the dumping of Dusty and warned the animal's owners they could face prosecution.

She said: "We cannot tolerate this kind of thing - it is completely unacceptable. If we can prove that an animal has been deliberately caused harm, then we will not hesitate to take action."