MOURNERS gathered to pay their last respects yesterday to a "gentle and loving man" who died after a firework was put through his door.

More than 100 grieving family members and friends attended the funeral of Arthur Lonsdale at Holy Trinity Church, in Southwick, Sunderland.

Mr Lonsdale died of respiratory failure caused by smoke inhalation in hospital two days after a fire swept through his house on Sunderland's Witherwack estate on October 28.

Police believe the blaze was started after a lit firework rocket was pushed through the letterbox of the house in Westerham Close.

The 52-year-old former locksmith, known locally as "Arky", lived alone with his cats, some of which also perished in the fire.

Father Geoff Driver told mourners: "This was a man who was loved, a man who was held in high esteem and respected by almost everyone who knew him."

The officer leading the inquiry into his death, Detective Superintendent Steve Wade, attended the funeral, and spoke of the difficulties investigating the tragedy.

He said: "We're still trying to break down a wall of silence, particularly among young people living on the estate."

Anyone with information is asked to contact the incident room on 0191-454 7555, extension 65017.

* In a separate incident, a teenager has been charged with arson after an incident when a firework was pushed through the letterbox of a North-East house.

The incident occurred in the early hours of Saturday, October 23, at a property in Marrick Avenue, Darlington.

Police officers investigating the blaze arrested three teenagers - a boy and two girls - earlier this week.

The girls were released with no further action to be taken, but the 16-year-old boy has been charged with arson reckless to endanger life.

He will appear before Darlington Youth Court next Friday.