DETECTIVES are hunting two men who robbed a woman at knifepoint in a supermarket car park.

The incident happened at 8.10pm on Wednesday in the car park outside Morrison's, Whitburn Road, Seaburn, near Sunderland.

The 45-year-old victim, who has not been named, was walking to her car when a white Ford Sierra pulled up beside her.

A man got out of the front passenger seat, armed with a knife and a screwdriver. He demanded her handbag, and then lunged at her with the screwdriver.

She handed over her bag and the man got back in the car, which sped off, causing an elderly motorist to swerve out of the way.

The woman was unhurt in the attack, but was left with a slight tear in her trousers.

The robber was described as aged 25, about 5ft 7in, with lightly tanned skin. He was of slight build, with short, dark hair.

He wore a red woollen hat with a white band around it, a dark blue, three-quarter length jacket and dark trousers.

The car driver was aged 25 to 30, of medium build, with short, light brown hair and a round face with a pointed chin.

The car, registration number G720 TMA, was stolen in the Seaham area of County Durham earlier that day and has not yet been recovered.

Police are appealing for witnesses. Anyone with information is asked to contact Sunderland CID on 0191-454 7555, extension 66144.