AN unlikely weapon in the fight against crime is being delivered to hundreds of homes and businesses - starting with properties previously targeted by burglars.

West Middlesbrough Neighbourhood Trust has invested £50,000 in SmartWater - a fluid that invisibly marks property which can only be detected using ultraviolet light. The fluid's unique code can then be traced back to a particular property.

Community caretakers, police officers and street wardens have been trained to use the solution.

Chairwoman of the trust Joan Ford said: "This amazing technology is great news for local people and we are delighted to be able to offer it to every household in west Middlesbrough.

"We are working closely with Cleveland Police to make sure its use will be high-profile. Obviously, this is a huge task so it won't happen overnight, but we are sending out a clear message to criminals to beware - SmartWater is coming to west Middlesbrough."

Alarms will spray anyone breaking into venues with a fine mist which dries instantly and clings to hair, skin, and clothing and is invisible to the naked eye.

Every police office custody suite will be fitted with an ultraviolet light to detect the water on arrested suspects.