A NEW Teesdale community group is to hold its first tree-planting session this weekend.

Trees for Cotherstone was formed earlier this year to try to do something about the loss of major trees around the village.

The first planting session will take place on Saturday and Sunday in Baldersdale.

Group chairman Ian Moorhouse said: "So many of the mature trees in the area are reaching the end of their lives and some fall during every gale.

"Large trees make a vital contribution to the landscape of Teesdale as well as being hugely important for wildlife.

"We are trying to stop this decline in tree numbers by planting individual and small groups of trees."

The project is an example of how local people can contribute to the implementation of the Management Plan for the North Pennines Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (ANOB), which recognises how important individual trees are to the landscape.

Assistant North Pennines AONB officer, Peter Samson, said: "We are very pleased to be able to support Trees for Cotherstone through our Small Grants Scheme.

"People care about this area and this project shows that many people can contribute to keeping it special."

Anyone who would like to attend the planting session should meet near the south side of the dam at Blackton reservoir at 10am on Saturday and Sunday.

There will also be a guided walk around the reservoir. Refreshments will be served. For further details, call Ian Moorhouse on (01833) 650730.