A KNIFE-wielding thief threatened a motorist in Middlesbrough before driving off in his car.

The attack took place near the KFC take-away on Linthorpe Road at approximately 7pm on Wednesday night when the driver pulled over after becoming lost.

The robber held a knife to the man's throat after he jumped into the car and forced the Chinese motorist to drive off in the direction of Princes Road, where he escaped shaken but unharmed.

The thief then drove off towards Gresham and the dark green Ford Mondeo was later found set alight in Chester Road at 10pm.

The robber, who spoke with a local accent, is described as white, six feet tall, aged 25 to 30, thin, with very short or bald fair hair. He has blue eyes, a pale complexion and was wearing a blue hooded top and black trousers.

Detective Constable Guy Meek said: "This incident could have been so much worse. It has left the driver, a Chinese visitor to our town, extremely shaken and traumatised by the incident."

Anyone with information is asked to call the police on (01642) 303126.