HEALTH officials in Darlington are to tackle the growing problem of obesity.

Darlington Primary Care Trust is to join a county-wide task group of health and social care experts looking at the issue and adopt an action plan designed to reduce it.

Director of public health Nonnie Crawford said: "We need to assess what we are doing in every part of the system from encouraging breastfeeding to what we eat as children and adults.

"We need our school nurses to help educate children and schools and look at what is being consumed from tuck shops and at lunch times.

"This is a family issue and we are going to hear a lot about it in the future."

More than half the population is overweight or obese with huge increases recorded among children.

Being overweight can lead to health problems, such as diabetes. It can also lead to emotional issues such as low self-esteem and bullying. The plan will look at children, parental behaviour, access to healthy food and physical activity.