A MINUTE'S silence was observed at the start of the new Bilsdale Farmers' Hunt meet at Cold Moor Cote on Sunday in memory of Dr Hugh Miles, who died in hospital earlier that morning.

He was a stalwart of hunting and field sports in Bilsdale and will be greatly missed.

The hunt's first meet at the Sun Inn, Bilsdale the week before was very well attended, despite freezing conditions, with 110 enthusiastic supporters including 17 riders and masters from three adjacent hunts among followers supporting the hunt on foot.

Everyone was generously supplied with food and refreshments to keep the spirits up and the cold away. Paul Cook, one of the 21 founding members, used his top hat to collect donations.

The chairman, George Allison, was pleased to report a total collection of £400, while the huntsman, Richard Waind, thanked William and Madge Ainsley, publicans at the inn, for hosting the inaugural meet, and vowed that the hunt would find a way to continue, despite impending legislation.

Hunt members later said they had not done all the hard work to set the hunt up just to stop if hunting foxes with hounds became illegal in February. One possibility is that the hunt will consider changing to drag hunting to enable people to carry on riding out with hounds and maintaining the social conviviality of supporters meeting and following the hunt. This would depend on the continued support of landowners.

l Dr Miles' funeral takes place at noon today at St John's, Bilsdale. Donations to the Ambulance Service or to the Rotary Club of Stokesley