A NATIONAL Kung Fu champion demonstrated his martial arts prowess at an event aimed at raising young people's aspirations this weekend.

Shaka Brown, from Gateshead, launched the Drop the T road show on Saturday, with a traditional Chinese lion dance.

The event, at Shotton Hall School, Waveney Road, Peterlee, was part of a national tour that uses successful people like Mr Brown to encourage more creative thinking in young people aged 14 to 25.

Ian Mowbray, headteacher of Shotton Hall School, said: "Young people need to develop creative, enterprising minds and must become part of the 'can do' culture.

"For this to happen they must be provided with opportunities to develop entrepreneurial and enterprising skills.

"Education has only a seminal part to play in this process."

Mr Brown has practised Kung Fu for 14 years, and represented Great Britain in the World Koushu Championships.

He was helped by the Prince's Trust to establish his Oceans Apart martial arts club in Gateshead, last year.

Along with his Kung Fu demonstrations, there was an appearance by Street Boy from radio station Galaxy 105-106 and the Galaxy ground crew offered free DJ lessons.

Organisations such as Shell LiveWIRE, the Prince's Trust and People Into Enterprise were on hand to provide information and advice on setting up businesses, entering the world of work, or starting a community project.

The event was supported by the Northern Rock Foundation and regional development agency, One NorthEast.

Its director of business and industry, David Allison, said: "There is an underlying need for enterprise-based events aimed at our young people as the region's future lies in their hands.

"It is vital they are signposted to the help available through a wide variety of organisations, so they can access coaching that will enable them to succeed in whatever they choose to do."

For further details, visit the website, www.droptheT.co.uk