AN 11-year-old girl defied the odds to hold world chess champion Keith Arkell to a draw at the weekend.

Jennifer Openshaw, from Yarm Road, Eaglescliffe, was among 100 youngsters from the area who took on the grand master over two days at The Links Primary School and Teesside High School, in Eaglescliffe.

The Egglescliffe School pupil was the only one not to be beaten by him.

Jennifer said: "I think he was disappointed and a bit embarrassed because of my age, but he congratulated me and signed a piece of paper as proof of the result.

"I was quite shocked at first, but I was very pleased."

Last year, Jennifer was leading the champion in a game and at one point he offered his young opponent a draw. "I turned it down because I was winning at the time," Jennifer explained," but he went on to beat me. This time, when he offered me the draw I took it "