PEOPLE across Darlington are being invited to have their say on a new walk-in centre.

The centre, Dr Piper House, is due to open in King Street next month and will alleviate pressure of the A&E department of the hospital and GPs surgeries.

The Darlington Patient & Public Involvement (PPI) Forum is holding a public meeting next Tuesday, in the Dolphin Centre's Pepperpot Room, from 7pm to 8pm to ensure that Darlington residents and patients have their say on the new development.

The walk-in centre will provide treatment from nurses for a variety of conditions, and will also have a clinic for skin services and minor surgery.

PPI Forum members, all residents of Darlington, recently visited the centre to look at how the building is developing. Feedback from the visit will be provided to the Primary Care Trust (PCT) in the near future.

A representative from Darlington PCT will be at the meeting to talk about the plans for the centre.