ARTwork by young "pillars of the community" has gone on show at Durham Cathedral.

Four and five-year-old boys from Bow School, Durham, can proudly view their work, on show today in the Galilee Chapel of the city's cathedral.

Artists from the school's Badgers group and class one came up with creations based on the cathedral's imposing pillars. The project, dubbed Pillars of the Community, aimed to raise awareness of the building and the importance of working together.

Using a variety of art forms and materials, including corrugated paper, dried pasta shells and rubbings from the pillars, large collages were put together by the boys.

They appear in a display in the chapel alongside pieces by County Durham artist Olly Burton, who worked with the youngsters.

Class one teacher Stephanie Mills said: "It was a lovely experience for the boys, who were so well behaved that the education department said they would invite them again."

Published: 08/12/2004