A WOMAN was indecently assaulted in broad daylight on a busy city centre pedestrian bridge, a court heard.

The university graduate was visiting her boyfriend in Durham, who studys at the city, when the attack took place in early October 2002.

The woman gave a description of her assailant to policeand, after a televised Crimestoppers appeal, police arrested 27-year-old David Peacock.

Durham Crown Court heard the incident took place as she was standing on Framwellgate Bridge, admiring the view, while her boyfriend was finishing a meal at a nearby Chinese buffet restaurant, shortly after 4pm on a Saturday afternoon.

The 26-year-old woman described how she was approached from behind by someone who groped her groin area, over her clothing, then put his arms around her, and hugged her.

She told the court that she turned round, shocked at what had happened, to confront the man, only to see his two friends cheering his actions.

She said: "It was as if they were cheering his actions because the man who attacked me had completed a dare."

As the three men turned to walk away, she asked the alleged assailant what he was doing. Asked what he replied, she told the court: "He just said: 'what?', as if he didn't know what I was referring to."

She then ran ahead of the trio, back to the restaurant, where she reported what had happened to her boyfriend, who went out to confront the men.

But after they became verbally aggressive, she ushered him back into the restaurant, not wanting to provoke any further trouble, and reported the incident to police.

Robert Turton, prosecuting, said the woman picked out Mr Peacock from ten men on a video identity parade.

He was arrested and, during two police interviews, denied being responsible. He told officers that he rarely went to Durham, but admitted images on closed circuit television cameras did make it look as if he was present.

Mr Peacock, 29, of Broomhill, Stanley, denies indecent assault.

The case continues.