BRITISH Telecom bosses have been urged not to close a red telephone box in a moorland hamlet.

Concern has grown about the box in Ilton-cum-Pott, above Masham, near Ripon.

The handful of people who live in five homes near the box were dismayed to see that in a list of reprieved public phone boxes, theirs was not mentioned.

Resident Ruth Barnett said: "It is so important that the box stays.

"It is a landmark, the only one we have here.

"With poor mobile phone reception in the area, the box is used in emergencies, particularly by someone whose car breaks down or they are out walking."

In a message to BT, the residents of Ilton say :"Please understand that this community is 100 per cent opposed to the removal of our payphone.

"Therefore, we insist that BT honours its pledged commitment and provides us with a payphone service."

A spokesman for BT said that the future of the Ilton-cum-Pott box had still not been decided and it could be some time before a decision was made.

He said: "We are looking at the future of many boxes but we will certainly consider all the facts before making a decision."

The residents have been backed by Harrogate Borough Council and the area's county councillor Paul Richard.

The box is under threat as part of a nationwide move by BT to close loss-making public payphones.