SAVING energy can give businesses money for nothing and firms in the North-East are being given help to make it happen.

Action Energy, a Government-funded agency set up to cut greenhouse gas emissions, is offering a free New Year starter pack to businesses wanting to offset rising costs.

Advisor David Morgan said: "With gas and electricity prices set to rise, the days of cheap energy are now over for UK businesses.

"Energy bills will become a key issue in 2004 if businesses do not start adopting energy-saving measures to protect themselves from spiralling costs.

"The New Year is an ideal time for planning for the year ahead. We are encouraging UK business to take advantage of Action Energy's free services to address their energy usage."

It is possible to save up to 20 per cent on energy by making small changes to work practices.

Action Energy also offers interest-free loans to help smaller companies upgrade equipment and free surveys to identify energy saving opportunities.

To receive a free starter pack, call 0800 585794, or visit

Published: 14/12/2004