DESPITE the odd crashing fall of the stunt skaters - and one of the Hip Hoppers exiting left clutching an arm - this exercise in putting one of the world's most technically challenging shows on tour is a qualified success.

The qualification being that large parts of the audience cannot see all the stage.

A frequently-used runway out into the centre of the stalls takes the skaters out of sight of many in the dress circle and upper circle.

In spite of this neck-craning disappointment, the fireworks, fury and 3-D special effects of humans on skates becoming racing railway engines and carriages is a sensational addition to the North-East Christmas season.

Slender James Gillan may not look much like a world champion, but his singing performance has the XXX factor as Rusty the steam engine triumphs against the odds.

Tom Kanavan is ideally cast as Greaseball the Elvis-style diesel and Mykal Rand shakes and shivers to powerful effect as mysterious Electra.

The skimpily-clad Pearl (Jane Horn), Dinah (Tanya Robb), Ashley (Amy Field) and Buffy (Ashley Hale) are definitely a delight for the dads. Robb earns the most applause with a sing-along version of U.N.C.O.U.P.L.E.D in true Tammy Wynette style.

The song also uses two video screens which could have assisted the frustrated viewers in the circle and gods. Overall though, Andrew Lloyd Webber's masterpiece is still on the rails with plenty of light at the end of tunnel.

Just the ticket.

* Runs until January 8. Box office: 0870 602 1130.

Published: 15/12/2004