A WOMAN who urged her partner to murder her former lover after a chance meeting on a commuter train was jailed for life yesterday.

Claire Park, 27, egged Sean Clarke, 26, on like a "banshee" until he plunged a kitchen knife she had given him into David Moorhouse's chest.

Newcastle Crown Court heard how as the 37-year-old lay dying on the platform at Pelaw Metro Station, the couple told him: "I hope you die."

The couple, from Darlington, both denied murder, but were found guilty yesterday.

Mr Justice Moses jailed them both for life and said neither could be considered for parole for at least 14 years.

The court heard how Park and Clarke had an "ardent dislike" for Mr Moorhouse.

Park had an affair with Mr Moorhouse, who had a conviction for indecently assaulting an underage girl, but she later returned to Clarke.

Andrew Robertson QC, prosecuting, said that during Park's relationship with Mr Moorhouse, she had a baby, who was taken into care shortly after the birth.

Mr Robertson said Park blamed Mr Moorhouse for the baby being taken away.

Mr Justice Moses told the couple: "In my judgement, you both share equal responsibility. You particularly Park, because you handed Clarke the knife."

The court heard how the couple came across Mr Moorhouse on a Metro train at Newcastle central station on April 29.

Park hurled abuse at him before Clarke became involved and started stabbing at him with a penknife.

When Mr Moorhouse and a friend got off the train at Pelaw, the couple followed, brandishing kitchen knives.

As Mr Moorhouse, of Cruddas Park, Newcastle, tried to fend off Clarke, Park shouted: "Go on, stab him." Clarke and Park, both of Zetland Street, Darlington, fled to her mother's house in Gateshead.

The court heard how Clarke had been in jail for burglary, robbery and drugs. Park was jailed for three months in 1999 for a wounding offence.

Aidan Marron QC, for Clarke, said the attack was unplanned.