It's easy to ridicule pop wanna-be Suzanne Shaw for allowing love-rat Darren Day to stay in her life after rumours circulated that he had played away from home.

Day is renowned for not being able to keep his trousers done up.

He has been engaged to a bevy of beauties and each time he has failed to show any staying power.

The original commitment-phobe he has split up with most of the girls just weeks after (very publicly) declaring his undying love.

Not only has he left women including the gorgeous Anna Friel and the stunning lsla Fisher crying and heart-broken he has then sold his sordid stories to the papers.

Former Coronation Street star Tracy Shaw has been to hell and back dealing with a raft of problems including a severe eating disorder.

I am sure the last thing she needed was King Rat telling the world how the she allegedly had a drug habit when they were a couple.

Just a few days before being caught with current beau Suzanne, he was telling anyone who would listen that his love for dancer girlfriend Adele would never die.

Then he went into the jungle on I'm A Celebrity and made a very public play for IT girl Tara Palmer Tomkinson.

When she rejected him, he turned nasty and laughed off suggestions he would ever be interested in a rich, funny, attractive single woman.

No it was much more his style to be snapped helping Suzanne, his co-star on a national tour, sneak out of his bedroom when both were supposed to be in relationships.

The man is a compulsive liar who needs to grow up and realise he can't just take whatever he wants without facing up to the consequences.

He may have been attractive when the 80s boy-next-door look was in but now he is simply an ageing playboy who shows no respect for himself or the women he uses.

But back to Suzanne who was eight months pregnant when the latest stories about Darren's antics were published.

Both he and girl involved have denied anything happened (sound familiar?) and Suzanne has chosen to believe them.

At first this sounds crazy - we all know pregnant ladies can be irrational but believing this leopard could change his spots is barmy.

Just days after the couple were reconciled he was allegedly banning her from showbiz events because he was concerned about her condition - if he was that worried why was he out getting drunk with a group of girls just weeks earlier?

It doesn't matter if he played away or not the last thing Suzanne needs is the stress of the accusations and innuendo that have been thrown around simply because of his lack of thought and selfish behaviour.

But she has taken him back, saying that she needs him and does not want to be alone.

Before we all start crowing at her decision, it's important to look at it from her point of view.

Having spent the last eight months dreaming about having a family it would be really hard for her to give it up and return to the life of a has-been, especially as Darren continues to profess his innocence.

The stress and turmoil of a break-up would have done nothing for Suzanne or her baby - she ended up in hospital after the latest allegations were revealed.

She is a young girl, naturally scared about impending motherhood and having to deal with her feelings in the public eye.

In a recent interview she said: "If I wasn't in this position then maybe I would have gone a different route. But as it is, I just have to believe him for the sake of my unborn baby. I was at my most vulnerable."

So basically Day is any port in a storm.

I for one don't blame her for not adding to her problems right now.

But I only hope that once the baby arrives and she has some of her confidence and emotional strength back she treats her fiancee with a very firm hand.

At the first sign of him straying - whether he's caught in another woman's bed or just out for a drink when he should be at home - she should show him the door.

Being a single mum isn't ideal but how much better for her to walk away when she is ready to face life alone rather than being pushed into it by the next revelations in the Sunday tabloids.